Thursday, 8 August 2013

Sims 3 Mixed Twins/Triplets

On sims 3 you can now get mixed twins babies. Incase you don't know mixed babies are when you have more than one baby and they are different genders. So you could have one boy and a girl or two boys and a girl etc. So to make this happen on sims 3 just follow the simple instructions below.
  1. Firstly, you obviously need your female sim to become pregnant, so try for a baby. If you want to be sure its multiple babies then save up for the fertility treatment found under the lifetime rewards tab. (also you can watch kids channel and have kids playing on a stero in the background at the same time.)
  2. Next, make sure you have an active doctor at career level 5, but it cant be the mother, and when the women has changed to her maternaty clothes and is 'showing', make him/her determine the gender of the baby.
  3. If it says she is having a boy then eat three watermelons (found at the grocery store) and if it says she is having a girl have three apples.
  4. When your sim gives birth she should have mixed babies.
Tip: It helps to make the mother relax alot and sleep alot.
I had mixed triplets when I did what is listed above and had two boys and a girl. They were so cute.

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